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Diocesan Altar Guild Annual Meeting And Worship
9:30 AM - 11:59 PM Grace Cathedral Nave
Date: September 29, 2018 to September 29, 2018
Where: Grace Cathedral Nave, 1100 California at Taylor Street, San Francisco, California, United States, 94108
Phone: N/A
Event Type: Other
Ticket Price: N/A
The Diocesan Altar Guild invites you to its Fall Annual Meeting for worship with a Blessing of the Hands and a program, the Staff of Life with The Rev. Elizabeth De Ruff from Honore Farm and Mill in Marin County. We will have The Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey as homilist at the service. The Rev. Elizabeth DeRuff has an Agricultural Chaplaincy in which farmers, milers, bakers and churches come together to grow, harvest and mill wheat for communion bread. Come and learn about the essential role that bread played in Jesus’ life and ministry and how it became known as the Staff of Life. We will have a Blessing of the Hands and celebrate Eucharist with bread made from Honore Mill flour. The Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey came to the Diocese of California from St. Andrews Richmond Virginia where she was the rector. Canon Bailey holds a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School, an Anglican Diploma from Berkeley Divinity School, and a Certificate in Liturgical Studies from the Institute of Sacred Music. Again, she will preach the homily for the service.